
Residential Customer on The Grand River Gets a Brand New Black Steel Seawall

Seaside Seawalls is proud to announce yet another successful seawall project! This particular job was for a residential customer on the Grand River in Dimondale, Michigan. Dimondale (which is often misspelled ‘Diamondale’) is a town located in the greater Eaton County of Michigan, and is home to about 1,234 residents.

We started this project off by first acquiring the necessary DEQ Permit – something we need in order to begin construction of any kind. Once we had received the “go-ahead”, we proceeded to gather all of the equipment and materials that we would need for this job. The two main materials we’d need for this job were black steel as well as sand for the new seawall’s backfill.

As usual, an excavator and a skid steer were our two key pieces of equipment, Excavator on a Barge_Grand River_Eaton County MIas they allow us to move large and heavy materials from one place to another. For this project however, we also needed to use a barge to access different points along the customer’s preexisting seawall which was failing. Because of this, we would need to cut down the top portion of the failing wooden seawall so that we could build the new black steel seawall directly in front of it.

Putting our excavator on a barge is something we’ve done many times before, and is common inExcavator on a barge on Grand River to install Black Steel Seawall the type of work we do because it allows us to access certain portions of a seawall from the water. Also, with this particular job being on a narrow river instead of a large lake, having the excavator deconstruct the old, failing wooden seawall from a barge was the only way to complete the job, as we could not maneuver this large piece of machinery across the shorelines and properties of others!  


After we finished cutting down the top part of the customer’s old, wooden seawall, we installed a brand new black steel seawall that is 100 feet in length and 48 inches in height directly in front of where the old one was. Furthermore, prior to our construction efforts, the customer had a boardwalk which was located on top of the existing wooden seawall. Since we cut off the top portion of the old seawall, we also tore out the old boardwalk, which completely revamped the entire look of the property and (as you can see in the pictures below) compliments the home very nicely! Black Steel Seawall on Grand River_Before and After

Did you know that the Grand River is the longest river in the State of Michigan? The river runs a total distance of 252 miles and covers 18 counties and 158 townships. There exists a multitude of fish species in the Grand River, including trout and even salmon! One of the 18 counties that the Grand River runs through is Eaton County. Eaton County has a population of approximately 107,759 residents and a total area of 579.02 square miles, with 2.61 square miles (or 0.45%) of that being water.

Are you ready to give your waterfront property a brand new look that is both functional and attractive? Then look no further than Seaside Seawalls! We are a team of highly trained and experienced marine landscaping experts who can assist you in the planning and developing of your latest construction project. Whether it’s a commercial or residential waterfront property you have, Seaside Seawalls does it all! Please feel free to contact us today for a free estimate, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest and greatest Seaside Seawalls news and projects!

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